Withdrawal Methods

Khelraja Casino



Withdrawal. What an important word. What an important feature. Almost like it is about life and death. Or maybe it is, innit? Imagine – yes, we make you imagine a lot – you win ₹10,00,000 in a day on some casino gaming and sports betting website and because you have bagged a massive win, you book a car, order hundreds of your favourite items online and an awful lot of food to go with it because obviously, you’re rich now – kind of.

Now you sit down to check your withdrawal status and boom, the website’s withdrawal is dysfunctional, or maybe the withdrawal methods they have charge a lion’s share as processing fee. That is it. You are finished. You cannot cancel the orders you placed, you cannot get the money you have won and most importantly, the money you invested is not coming back either. Sounds like such a disaster. We got goosebumps just thinking of it, so imagine what becomes of those who actually face it on other websites.

There are so many out there but how many of them actually focus on their transactional experience? None. Maybe there are some but it is not common knowledge anyway. At Khelraja Casinos, we stress on the fact that the transactional experience be as good as any other feature of the website. This is real money gaming, and if we aren’t committing towards a safe transactional environment, then what are we even doing? If you are a football team that cannot pass the ball, how do you score a goal? Similarly, if you are a cricket team and cannot bat, bowl or field, what is the point?

Withdrawal is an absolute basic. As a bare minimum, you expect it to work well 24×7 and if it does not, you expect alternatives. The sad story, however, is that most betting and casino gaming websites forget this simple fact. Who pays the price (quite literally)? The gamer.

Not at Khelraja Casinos, though. We have designed our withdrawals in a way that you get your money quicker than a tracer bullet because that is how it is supposed to be. We are not in the torture business, we are in the entertainment business, and as such, our primary responsibility is to make sure that anything that has potential to be a put-off or cause trouble should be taken care of well in advance. If we do not do that, it would be a complete failure. Fortunately for you, though, you are at a place where failure ceases to exist, as do problems when it comes to withdrawals.

How to Withdraw?


As we just said, we are in the entertainment business, not the torture business, so everything that we do involves no boredom and plenty of smiles. Anyway, when we speak of the withdrawal procedure at Khelraja Casinos, we are looking at a task that is as simple as a win for Team India at home. The ease with which they brush their opponents away, that is the same ease with which you get to have your withdrawals on Khelraja. Now, once you are done playing and winning and are wanting to withdraw your winnings, you have to look to the right of your screen, what do you see? You see your balance amount, and below it, you see the ‘Transfer’, ‘Deposit’, and ‘Withdrawal’ buttons.

Clicking on the Withdrawal button will lead you to our withdrawal page, where you should now be seeing a series of steps, as listed below:

  • Submit Request: This is the first step. It is where you choose the account you want your money transferred to and the withdrawal amount. You can withdraw as low as ₹200 and as massive an amount as ₹50,000 ten times in a day.
  • Verify: This is the verification page and if you are here, you are very nearly done! Once you’ve submitted a withdrawal request, you are led to the verification page, where you can check the status of your request. The request is given a go-ahead within a couple minutes.
  • Transfer: You can smell your money now. This is the last step. It is no big deal, just a tiny confirmation from you as to whether you really want the transaction through. You never know with these mood swings, after all.
  • Arrived: Woot woot! Your money is in the account. Told you, didn’t we? It just does not take long at Khelraja.

How Trustworthy is the Withdrawal at Khelraja?

In one word: very. The entire process is this quick for a reason. The quicker it is, the better. The more delayed it is, the more you begin to wonder if something shady is up. We don’t like anything half-shady at Khelraja casinos, and therefore we have made our withdrawal procedure very reliable and easy to trust. Another factor that adds to its authenticity is that we have got a world-class support team to help you out in the rare scenario that something goes wrong.

Don’t worry: Things do not go south at Khelraja but then again, prevention is better than cure, isn’t it? We do not like to hang those who trust us out to dry, which is why the support team is always available at your service. If you sense there is something wrong, just get in touch with customer care at [email protected] and the lovely people over there will be ready to run through a brick wall for you.

Still have any doubts? There is only one way to have them cleared. You can go right over to khelraja.com, pick whatever suits you, win and withdraw soon as you are done. If you are looking for additional motivation to get started, then well, there is the small matter of a ₹25,000 Namaste Bonus offered on live casino on your first deposit. You start with that kind of an amount, and you will sure as hell end the day with a lot of wins. That will be a good time to test our withdrawals, wouldn’t it?
