Khelraja Mobile App

Khelraja Casino


We live in a world wherein everyone wants everything very conveniently. Whether we speak of education, job, money or indeed something as basic as a packet of chips, no one wants to break sweat to get any of it. It is the era of convenience. A lot of it is also down to the way technology has developed in recent times. The advancements have made everything so easy to get and do that it has triggered a behavioural change that the world must now adapt to. Which, of course, has also brought about a major shift in the way most industries function nowadays – the real-money gaming sector being no exception.

The pandemic in particular has been a driving force behind the RMG revolution. There has been a massive surge in the number of people who are now interested in online sports betting and casino gaming, which, again, is a very convenient and fun way of making a lot of money in almost no time. If you look at it another way, essentially, all you have to do is watch a match and place a wager on it or alternatively, trust your instincts while you play a casino or a slots game – all while being given a special treatment by the dealers.

And you ideally want to do it with a single click. No one can be sat by a laptop or a PC all the time – unless you are in a 9-5 job, in which case, you do not have an option – and as it is, the world likes to do most of its tasks over a mobile phone, not a computer. Which makes a mobile app for a casino gaming and betting website absolutely necessary. You can’t not have a mobile app. If you do not have one, it is a major turn off. And at Khelraja, we don’t do turn offs. That is why we have a pretty good mobile application, which allows you to bet on your favourite sports and play your favourite casino games with exactly the ease that you like.

Your next question must be, “How do I download it?” Do not worry about that, we are here to assist you with that, too – although given how simple the process is, you would hardly require our help on it.

How to Download the Khelraja Mobile App?

This is like a leisurely stroll. In fact, easier than that. Obviously, we would not want to put you through a travail just to download a mobile application. You have to follow a simple series of steps and that will be all, you will have the app in your phone, ready to be played on!

  • Visit First things first, you have to visit the Khelraja website. Soon as you land on the home page, you will see the ‘Download App’ button on the extreme right of your screen. Click on it.
  • Download .APK/ Download iOS: This is the last step! Depending on your operating system, you can choose the version you have to download. If you own an Android mobile phone, download the APK version. Conversely, if you own an iPhone/iPad, download the iOS version. Once done, your download will begin shortly and that, folks, is that!

How Well Does the App Work?

Khelraja’s app is how all apps should be: smooth, easy to navigate and nice on the eye. It works really well on both Android and iOS, so it won’t matter what device you are on. Normally, applications do function well on one operating system and not on the other but that is not the case here.

Still, if you ever have any troubles with downloading the app or with its functionality, you can quickly get in touch with Khelraja’s support team at [email protected]. The support staff is available 24×7 for your assistance and would not disappoint you in the event that you face any problems. However, issues with the application are very rare.

Does the Khelraja app have all Sports Betting and Casino Gaming Options?

Yes! Absolutely. Why would it not? Okay, we know there are certain websites that do not offer the gamut of their options on the mobile applications but that is not the case with us. We have made the app as comprehensive as possible, therefore making every single option available from sports betting to casino gaming and esports. After all, if the app does not have everything you need, why have the app in the first place? It would not make any sense and it is irritating, too.

To put it another way, whether you use the app or the website, it won’t matter. Everything that is there on the website is also on the app.

Can I have Bonuses on the Khelraja App?

Yes, yes and yes! As has already been mentioned above, the mobile app has everything that is there on the website, meaning that you can easily claim your bonuses on Khelraja’s app. To be able to see what’s on offer, you just have to head to the ‘Promotions’ section, where you will find all the bonuses available. These are regularly updated, so keep checking the section to avoid missing out!

There are various kinds of bonuses available under every category, like the ₹25,000 Namaste Bonus for live casino, the ₹25,000 First-Day First-Deposit Bonus for slots and a 150% first-deposit bonus for sportsbook. And these are just a selected few out of the many that are offered on a daily basis – like the reload bonus, which you can claim every single day as a Khelraja user as you keep on playing.

Can I make Deposits and Withdrawals on the Khelraja App?

You can! Making deposits and withdrawals through the Khelraja app is not a problem at all, as you will surely and certainly find out once you have downloaded the app. Get yourself to, download the app, start playing, win and boast being the king!
