Deposit Methods

Khelraja Casino


Deposit Methods

Online betting and casino gaming is all fun and games until you come across a website that has a horrible deposit mechanism and you have to spend hours just trying to understand it. It is frustrating, isn’t it? A website where you are supposed to play and win should not have a single issue when it comes to transactions, otherwise, there is no point even existing.

We are talking about real-money gaming, and when matters related to money are all messed up, like the state of your mind when you have just broken up, you feel jaded and you lose the will to play again. We would not want that to happen at Khelraja Casinos. We want you to go on and on like Celine Dion’s heart. We want you to go on like Sachin Tendulkar. We want you to go on like a Nokia phone. All right, enough analogies. Let us give it to you straight: the deposit process at Khelraja is incredibly smooth and seamless. You would not have to wait for long periods for your payment to go through. As soon as you initiate the deposit, it starts reflecting in your Khelraja account and you can start playing immediately.

Yes, there are websites where your deposits will go through a lot of unnecessary verification, consuming hours in the process, maybe even days. However, it cannot be emphasised enough that Khelraja really does care about the experience factor, especially the transactional experience, whether you are making a deposit or withdrawal, as you will surely find out once you visit and start playing.

Signup & Login

Before that, though, let us take you through each step involved in the deposit procedure at Khelraja Casinos:

1. Log-in/Sign-up: This is the very first step. An absolute basic that you know already but we are still going to tell you about it. Once you are at, you will find the login and the sign-up button on the top right of your screen. If you are a registered user already, then you simply have to enter your details to be able to log into your account. If you have not registered yet, no worries! You only have to click on the sign-up button, enter some details and that is it. You are a Khelraja user.

2. Click on the Deposit Button: This is the second step. Another one that is easy to understand. Again, to the top right of your screen, you find the ‘Deposit’ button. Click on it to be led to the deposit page, landing on which will mean you are very nearly done with your deposit.

3. Choose your Deposit Method: You will find a lot of deposit methods at Khelraja casinos. You can choose from a total of five, as listed below:

  • UPI/NB/E-Wallet
  • NetBanking
  • UPI
  • E-Wallet
  • Direct Deposit

You can choose a deposit method depending on what you find the most convenient.

4. Enter Deposit Amount: Right below where you see the several deposit methods, you will also find the ‘Enter Deposit Amount’ section. It is pretty much a self-explanatory step, where you have to enter the amount you would like to deposit. You can deposit a minimum of ₹200 and a maximum of ₹50,000. The deposit limit is there to prevent users from making extravagant transactions, further encouraging responsible gambling. Once you have entered the amount, click ‘Submit’ and you will be led to the payment portal, where the transaction will finally go through.

How Trustworthy is the Deposit Process at Khelraja?


Extremely trustworthy. You do not have to worry about the deposit procedure at all, as it is the most reliable, safe, and authentic. We have already taken you through the deposit steps, which will surely help clear any confusion. Still, if you do feel there is something that you need more clarity on, you can either write to us at [email protected] – where our support staff is at your service 24×7 – or you can test the deposit process yourself by making a deposit right now, which also gets you a deposit bonus! If you ask us, the latter is the way to go.

Deposit Bonuses

Extremely trustworthy. You do not have to worry about the deposit procedure at all, as it is the most reliable, safe, and authentic. We have already taken you through the deposit steps, which will surely help clear any confusion. Still, if you do feel there is something that you need more clarity on, you can either write to us at [email protected] – where our support staff is at your service 24×7 – or you can test the deposit process yourself by making a deposit right now, which also gets you a deposit bonus! If you ask us, the latter is the way to go.

Deposit Bonuses: We like to give a lot of rewards because we are kind and generous, as most of you would know already. This is why there are a lot of deposit bonuses at Khelraja casinos, which are sure to bring a wide smile to your face. Let us take a look at these deposit bonuses, shall we?

Namaste Bonus: Who says a Namaste is only about joining your hands with humility and respect? At Khelraja, it is also about welcoming you with a proper bang! This is precisely why we like to offer ₹25,000 as a first deposit bonus for all of our live casino lovers! So you do not just get to enjoy a lot of casino games with some very gorgeous dealers but also, you get jaw-dropping bonuses to top it all off!

First-Day First-Deposit Bonus: We have told you already. Welcomes at Khelraja are not just some ordinary welcomes where we greet you and that is it. We also like to treat you, and that is why we give all of our slot lovers a huge ₹25,000 first-deposit bonus on the very first day. What a first day. Wow. Do let us know all about your shot on slot!

Exclusive Sportsbook Bonus: Because you can never have enough of sports. There is so much sporting action around the world, and we can’t not give an exclusive bonus to all of our sports fans out there. Wondering how much? ₹4,000! That is correct, folks. We do give you ₹4,000 as a first-deposit bonus for sportsbook. Do not let anything stop you!

And this is not all. There are so many reload bonuses up for grabs at Khelraja Casinos under every single category, all of which can be claimed on an everyday basis. What more would you want from an ideal real-money gaming website, really? Go be the king!
